By Eleanor Lewis
February 13, 2025
On Thursday 13 February, Mr Tom Spink, Chair of the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (NNUH), came in to give a talk to Upper 5 and Sixth Form pupils about the NNUH, the challenges it faces, and his role as Chair. He spoke about his own career path, starting as an engineer, then moving to work in Aviva before the NNUH, giving us an insight into the many careers available which can lead to a leadership role. He explained to us the various current aims of the NNUH, such as digitalisation, reducing their waiting hours in A&E, and the reduction in weeks for the waiting list for planned surgeries. He also spoke of ongoing projects, such as expanding the Norwich Research Park, and the possibility of a dental school being added to the UEA in the future. He inspired many pupils who are already looking into careers for medicine, finance and business, who were impressed by the management of such a large budget, and of such a large workforce. - Sruthi Santhosh L6 (Med Soc leader)