We are delighted to be in touch with over 4,500 Old Norvicensians. We keep them up-to-date with the latest news from the school and the ON community, and send out invitations to reunions and events.
ONs also receive a copy of our annual ON Magazine.
You can keep in touch with us by providing your details below.
Alternatively you can contact us anytime at:
Development Office
70 The Close
01603 728 431
Every former pupil of Norwich School is considered an Old Norvicensian (ON) for life and is part of building a strong community for your school and all ONs.
Please fill in the form below to receive exclusive updates via email, and register as an Old Norvicensian.
Thank you for contacting us.
We will add you to the ON mailing list. Welcome to the community!
Data will only be used by Norwich School for the purpose of updating our database, your details will not be passed on To any third parties.
Norwich School is registered with the Information Commissioner under the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998.
Norwich School is committed to protecting the privacy of everyone we have contact with and we take our legal responsibilities in this regard very seriously.
This Notice sets out how we intend to handle your personal data.
Please do not hesitate to contact in the first instance
development@norwich-school.org.uk or
07970 657 629 if you have any questions or concerns.
All Rights Reserved | Norwich School | Charity no. 311280