How you can support Norwich School

Education has been part of life in Cathedral Close from its earliest foundations at the end of the 11th century and those of us currently involved with Norwich School are proud 21st century heirs to that tradition. We have bright and talented pupils and quality, dedicated staff.


Funds are raised thanks to the long-term generosity of supporters in our Norwich School community, parents, staff, alumni and other stakeholders who have helped Norwich School pupils past and present immensely over many years.


Financial or in-kind support both play a vital role in realising our vision for the long-term stability and development of the school as a positive educational force in Norwich. With your help, we can continue to offer life-changing educatiON in Cathedral Close to local boys and girls as they navigate today’s challenging world. 


The whole school community offers its heart-felt gratitude to all who help our next generation of ‘blue blazers’ and all at Norwich School.

We are grateful for all donations to Norwich School. These are some of the ways you can help...


Supporting life-changing educatiON. Help our next generation of 'blue blazers' and keep the school socially diverse.


Making a gift

By making a one-off donation or regular gift, be it monthly, quarterly or annually to the fund of your choice: Bursaries, Pupil Enrichment, Capital or to the Head’s fund for the greatest need.



We urge you to ‘pass it ON’ and remember us in your will by leaving a legacy to Norwich School that will help ONs of the future. You can leave a one-off bequest or a legacy as little as 1% of your estate.



There are a range of sponsorship opportunities available: corporate sponsorship; naming opportunities, including a bursary or buildings; naming a seat in the Blake Studio, rooms and facilities; ON Magazine advertising; public benefit and partnership opportunities; branding opportunities of sports pitches, sports kit and equipment; Event sponsorship: musicals, plays, concerts etc.


Did you know you can pass it ON and leave a legacy to Norwich School for ONs of the future? 

Pledging a legacy to the school in your will is a meaningful and tax-efficient way to benefit future generations. It is a long-lasting and powerful gift that will remember your school and leave your mark. 

You can leave as little as 1% of your estate in your will to Norwich School, with the rest going to loved ones and other beneficiaries. 

Do get in touch today to join our legacy 1096 Society and get further involved in our vibrant school life – 1096 being the earliest recorded date of the school’s original founding. 

Why leave a legacy to the school? 

Leaving a legacy to Norwich School in your will can be a tax-efficient means of managing your estate, as Norwich School is an educational charity. 

  • Registered Charity Name: King Edward VI Grammar School Norwich 
  • Registered Charity Number: 311280 


Please always seek independent legal advice.

Our legacy promise: 

We will treat all legacies with compassion and discretion, always respecting your wishes and your relatives. 

We pledge to use your gift wisely to pass on the baton of a transformational education at Norwich School.

To thank such generous benefactors, members are invited to an annual lunch with the Head.


To find out more, we’d be pleased to hear from you to discuss any aspect in confidence: 

Rachel Lightfoot, Development Manager (,uk – 07825 636 973) 

Jonathan Pearson, Development Director ( – 07970 657 629) 

Future generations will thank you for your support. Your legacy will make a transformational difference to young lives. 

Remember us in your will today. 

US Donations

To make a gift and take a U.S. income tax deduction, you may make a donation to The British Schools & Universities Foundation (Federal Tax ID 13-616-1189), 641 Lexington Avenue, 15th Floor, New York, NY 10022-4503. A charitable organization approved by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service under code Section 501(c)(3).

Write your check to the order of the British Schools & Universities Foundation with a note on the check ‘preference for Norwich School’. Please do send them your contact details to enable them to send your tax letter. Any questions please contact Jonathan Pearson ( or Rachel Lightfoot (


Corporate sponsorship is a great way to promote your company’s links with Norwich School, whilst also helping the school with our major strategic needs

  • Bursaries to support aspiring pupils though means-tested financial assistance - offering a transformational education to gifted pupils who might otherwise be unable to take their place here. 
  • The procurement of equipment and facilities for pupil enrichment to promote opportunity, interests and skills.
  • Capital projects to ensure we have a school ft for 21st century education 


Norwich School is a charity: - Registered Charity Name: King Edward VI Grammar School Norwich; Registered Charity Number: 311280 

There is a range of sponsorship opportunities available. For further information, see our sponsorship packages or contact  Jonathan Pearson ( or Rachel Lightfoot (

Thank you to our current sponsors:

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