
The Senior School takes lunch in the school Refectory.

The meals at Norwich School are provided by Thomas Franks. Food is cooked on site by professionally-trained chefs and our menus incorporate fresh ingredients.

Menus are organised on a seasonal, three-week cycle (see below). There is always a choice and pupils are encouraged to take as much fruit, salad, bread, potatoes and vegetables as they need to satisfy their appetites. Chilled water is available throughout service.

Week Commencing Term Menu Number
7 January Lent 1
13 January Lent 2
20 January Lent 3
27 January Lent 1
3 February Lent 2
10 February Lent 3
24 February Lent 1
3 March Lent 2
10 March Lent 3
24 March Lent 1
31 March Lent 2
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