The Senior School takes lunch in the school Refectory.
The meals at Norwich School are provided by Thomas Franks. Food is cooked on site by professionally-trained chefs and our menus incorporate fresh ingredients.
Menus are organised on a seasonal, three-week cycle (see below). There is always a choice and pupils are encouraged to take as much fruit, salad, bread, potatoes and vegetables as they need to satisfy their appetites. Chilled water is available throughout service.
Week Commencing | Term | Menu Number |
7 January | Lent | 1 |
13 January | Lent | 2 |
20 January | Lent | 3 |
27 January | Lent | 1 |
3 February | Lent | 2 |
10 February | Lent | 3 |
24 February | Lent | 1 |
3 March | Lent | 2 |
10 March | Lent | 3 |
24 March | Lent | 1 |
31 March | Lent | 2 |
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