Cathedral Choristers

Norwich Cathedral Choir enjoys a national and international reputation, singing daily choral services in the Cathedral. Both the boy and girl choristers broadcast regularly on radio and television, make commercial recordings, give concerts and undertake foreign tours. 

At Norwich School, we are proud to include among our pupils the boy choristers who comprise its treble section. We are also pleased that a number of our girls are members of Norwich Cathedral Girls’ Choir. Visit Norwich Cathedral website for further information about the Cathedral Choirs and how to apply.

Fee Remission - Boy Choristers

The Norwich Cathedral Choir Endowment Fund offers all boy choristers a 30% remission on tuition fees while they are members of the Cathedral Choir. This applies in both the Lower and Senior Schools. 

Further means-tested bursarial support is available in order that no boy is denied the opportunity of being a Cathedral Chorister on financial grounds alone.

Selection is by audition. In prospective choristers, the Cathedral’s Master of Music is looking for strong musical potential rather than significant prior training: a clear voice, a quick musical ear and a lively intelligence, as well as a willingness to commit wholeheartedly to the life of a chorister is what is required.

Boys typically join the Cathedral choir in school year 4. The Cathedral’s Master of Music, Mr Ashley Grote, is pleased to hold an informal preliminary audition at any time with boys aged 6-8, without obligation. To arrange this please contact Jo Dembicki, Choir Administrative Assistant: or Tel: 01603 218315. Jo is available Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursdays during term-times.

Formal auditions are held each January, when prospective choristers must also pass the school's entrance examination.

Daily Routine - Boy Choristers

The Choir sings Evensong on most weekdays during term time at 5.30pm and at two services on Sundays (Eucharist at 10.30am and Evensong at 3.30pm).

The typical weekly routine for boy choristers comprises:

• Rehearsal each morning Monday to Friday 08.10 - 08.55

• Tea on weekdays at 4.00pm, followed by rehearsal

• Rehearsal on Tuesdays and every other Thursdays until 4.45pm

• Evensong 5.30pm - 6.15pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday

• Rehearsal on a Friday following Evensong 6.30 - 7.00pm

• Sundays 09.10 prior to 10.30 Sung Eucharist and 2.45pm prior to 3.30pm Choral Evensong

There are only occasional commitments that requiring Saturday attendance.

Cathedral terms are very similar to school terms. However, the Michaelmas Term extends until Christmas Day, and the choristers are on duty in Holy Week from Palm Sunday to Easter Day. The choristers do not sing services during half-terms, with at least one Sunday off in each half-term break. 

Norwich Cathedral Girls' Choir

Norwich Cathedral Girls’ Choir is a voluntary group for girls aged 11-18, drawn from schools across the area. There is no cost involved in joining and membership is by audition. 

The typical weekly routine for the girl choristers comprises:

• Rehearsal on Tuesdays at 4.45pm

• Choral Evensong on Tuesdays at 5.30pm, followed by a light supper (provided), with further rehearsal until 7.45pm

• Rehearsal on Saturday mornings 10.30am - 12.00pm

The girls’ choir normally sing for one Sunday morning and one Sunday afternoon service each term. There is no singing during half-terms or in holidays, with the exception of Christmas when the girls sing at services up to and including Christmas Eve, and in Holy Week, when the girls sing up to and including Easter Saturday. The girls also give concerts in the Cathedral, make recordings, undertake tours and broadcast on the radio. 

The Cathedral’s Master of Music is looking for girls of secondary school age who are strong singers, have a good musical ear and are quick learners. Some previous singing experience is necessary and an elementary ability to read music is desirable.

To arrange a preliminary and informal audition, please contact Jo Dembicki, Choir Administrative Assistant:, Tel: 01603 218315 (Tue-Thu)

To find out more about life in the Cathedral Choirs, read our blog from Head Chorister, Ben Griffiths and former Head of the Girls' Choir, Alice Palmer.

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