

Our Physical Education model is underpinned by important research based on developing children who are able to access a wide range of sports. This programme facilitates a pupil-centred environment that ultimately aims to inspire a lifelong love of sport and exercise.

During the 4-11 age range, which covers our Physical Education programme, LTAD identifies three stages which we have linked to our year groups whilst implementing a ‘Sport Education’ model in Key Stage Two.

Reception, Lower 1 and Upper 1

During this age range, the structure of the PE programme is designed to develop each child’s basic movement skills and physical literacy. The programme for this age group is structured to develop the whole individual through a series of experiences that will challenge a range of different capabilities – without compromising the overall ethos of fun, enjoyment and play. Sport England’s (2018) contemporary research found that the more enjoyment, confidence, competence and understanding children have, the more active they are.

Capabilities: Personal, Social, Cognitive, Physical, Health and Fitness

Lower 2 and Upper 2

The structure of the PE programme for this age group develops the basic movement skills of each child further through the introduction of Gymnastics, where children are able to explore different movement patterns (to develop their flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance) whilst working collaboratively (through paired and group performance and analysis). The children will also continue to learn the life skill of swimming so that they feel confident, competent and safe in the water.

For this age group, pupils will also be introduced to both general and specific sports that facilitate both ‘hand-eye’ and ‘foot-eye’ coordination to encourage each individual to gain the greatest amount of physical body awareness to improve their fundamental movement skills – again, without compromising the overall ethos of enjoyment.

Sports covered: Swimming, Gymnastics, Invasion Games, Dance, Athletics, Basketball, Football

Lower 3 and Upper 3

“Sport Education Model”

This approach to PE provides children with a more authentic experience of sport as pupils participate in ‘seasons’ that last a term, rather than completing half term units of work.

The aim of this model is for pupils to take an active role in their own sport experience by serving in varied and realistic roles that we see in authentic sport settings such as; captains, coaches, statisticians, trainers, officials, publicists and health and safety.

Whilst there is still a focus on developing each child’s physical skills, there is an important emphasis on developing their social and emotional qualities that ultimately spark enthusiasm and enjoyment towards participating in sport.

Each pupil will belong to a team that aims to develop their character, confidence and their connections with others through team names, chants and uniforms as they work together to learn and develop new skills, tactics and respectively compete against other teams.


Success is not reflected solely by a team’s win-loss record but by the overall performance of the team and its members. Familiarising our pupils with the skill sets required to train and compete at their level is vital for their long-term development. Each scheme of work is designed to teach the skills essential for a pupil of a particular age and this expands year upon year.

Children are coached in rugby, football, hockey, netball and cricket. School matches start at Lower 2 withteams playing fixtures against other local prep schools as well as taking part in IAPS national tournaments.

Games lessons take place twice a week and are taught by a motivated and highly qualified coaching staff who always promote excellence and enjoyment at the individual and team level.

In the Infants pupils are exposed to a wide variety of sports and physical activities, termly rotations of swimming, dance and real PE take place in Reception, Lower and Upper One. A double lesson of games is taught once a week with the sports rotating every half term. This programme covers: cricket, football, hockey, athletics, netball and rugby. 

Find out more about our recent sporting achievements below:

28 Apr, 2024
On Sunday 28 April, nearly 30 Norwich school pupils braved the rainy weather to compete in the Eastern Region School Ski Race. With many of our usual team missing due to D of E and GCSE commitments it was great to see so many new faces giving dry slope racing a go and performing very well after only a couple of training sessions. Many thanks to Norwich School parents and ski coaches Melanie Watson and Edgar Harden for running these with Mr Cheongvee.  Norwich School had 8 teams racing across the various age and gender categories, the 2nd largest representation of any school. The mixed U10s team of Ianis Pop, Seb Dannatt and Lois Norton took 2nd place. The Mixed U15 team of Ella Barnovschi, Harry Croft and India Coupland took 2nd place with the Girls U19 team of Anoushka Craggs, Anais Kotter, Beatrice Adamson and Lily Bailey and the Mixed U19 team of Toby Watson, Mirabelle Harden, Marcus Pop and Charlie Barker both winning their categories. Individually, Toby was 2nd overall male, Mirabelle 3rd in category and Ianis Pop 1st in category. There were strong individual performances from many, with Ella Barnovschi and Joe Hawks catching the eye with their improvements over the last year. Special mention to the following pupils for whom it was their first time racing on a dry slope: Lois Norton (U1), Henry Drew (U3), Arthur Lamb (L4), Jasper Kelly (U4), James Gilbert (U4), Finn Kaiser (M5), Jack Lewis (M5), Veron Hung (M5), Lily Bailey (L6), Bea Adamson (L6), Anoushka Craggs (L6) & Anais Kotter (L6).
02 Feb, 2024
On Friday February 2, the Lower School hosted 8 other schools in the annual Inter Schools Cross-Country event. With over 240 runners, it was a huge success.  It was pleasing to see so many children from all schools running with such determination, vigour and tenacity. Norwich School managed to win gold in the U8 boys, U9 girls and U11 Girls team events, and we also managed 3 gold, 1 silver and 2 bronze individual medals. We are incredibly proud of everyone's efforts, well done! Thank you also to Close Up Photography Club member, Berry Ward, for her photos of the event.
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