Clubs and Societies

Clubs and Societies

The Lower School offers an extensive range of lunchtime and after school extra-curricular activities. With over 100 different clubs on offer there I s something for everyone and we expect every pupil to involve themselves in some aspect of our programme. Not that they need much encouragement – they thoroughly enjoy participating in the many different clubs on offer and show great commitment to the music groups, drama productions, choir, sports and other available activities.

Current and recent activities in the Lower School include sports clubs, Lego, Minecraft, dance, theatre, gardening, eco, badminton, Natural History Club, tennis, fencing, languages, orienteering, 8th Norwich Cubs and Scouts, baseball, maths, cricket nets, craft, football, desktop publishing, Hockey Hard Hitters, movie-making, scratch, cartoon strip, music groups, cycling awareness, choir, computing, juggling, senior strings, chess, junior strings, hot air, swing band, steel pans, recorders and guitar circle.

We field Sports Teams in rugby, netball, hockey, cricket, cross-country, athletics, swimming and tennis. As pupil themselves are involved in deciding which clubs are offered the list is ever changing!


The Lower School provides a comprehensive range of Before, During and After-school clubs (97 at the last count) suitable for all year-groups, all abilities and, through our Natural History Club, all family members too!

We believe that opportunity lies at the heart of our broad curriculum, nurturing and developing pupils in preparation for the future. Teaching staff, parents and external experts deliver a myriad of different clubs and activities during the course of the academic year, on the basis of suggestions made by the School Council. Clubs provide the chance for pupils to try something new, to develop and improve an existing skill, to further extend themselves. The following are just some of the activities we have recently offered:

  • Sport

    Tennis, rugby fitness, boys’ netball, running & sprint, football (indoor/outdoor), canoeing, badminton, ultimate frisbee, girls’ rugby, softball, baseball, hockey, cricket, rounders, swimming and fencing.

  • Music and Drama

    Wind band, guitar group, guitar ensemble, Hot Air, string orchestra, Stickers percussion, chamber choir , school choir (over 100 participants), musical performance, Hocus Pocus drama, Zumba dance and steel pans.

  • Arts and Crafts

    Collage, observational drawing, craft, textiles, outdoor art.

  • 8th Norwich Sea Scouts

    8th Norwich (Norwich School) Sea Scout group is a Royal Navy recognised group sponsored by Norwich School. Recruiting solely from the school, it provides a broad scouting programme with an emphasis on outdoor adventure and water sports. The group is one of the largest and most active in the UK and provides evening, weekend and residential activities to over 200 girls and boys aged 8 to 18. The Group is split into three sections: Cubs (age 8-10); Scouts (age 10-14); and Explorers (age 14-18). 

    Find out more by visiting their website

    8th Norwich Sea Scouts Website
  • Others

    Adobe Photoshop, Scratch, movie making, touch typing, Minecraft, natural history, board games, chess, languages, Lego, Jackanory, Photography, cycling, cookery , origami, gardening,  and speed stacking.

Find out more about our recent clubs and societies below:

By Eleanor Lewis March 10, 2025
On Monday, a mighty troupe of almost 100 dancers from across Lower and Senior School descended on Stevenage to take part in the Great Big Dance Off. This was the biggest regional heat yet, with over 50 schools taking part. The squads did an exceptional job in each round against fierce competition, with lower school placing a mighty second, and both junior and senior squads coming fourth in their respective categories. A huge well done to all!
By Eleanor Lewis March 7, 2025
As part of our celebrations for International Women's day, Miss Scott and members of the Feminist Society (FemSoc) headed down to the Lower School to deliver a special International Women's Day Assembly. In this, pupils explained the origins of International Women's Day and Alethea Tweddle and Delphine Boyce shared the inspiring stories of women including Malala Yousafzai, Greta Thunberg and Emmeline Pankhurst. The assembly ended in a Quiz in which the Lower School scored an amazing Eight out of Eight, showing a great knowledge on a range of inspirational women. This exciting assembly was a great opportunity for the Lower School Pupils to hear from their older peers and to join in the celebrations happening across the school.
By Eleanor Lewis March 5, 2025
Lower 1 had an exciting trip to Strangers’ Hall, where they learned more about the Great Fire of London. They explored a real Tudor house, discovering what homes were like in 1666 and examining historical items from the time. As part of their learning, the children sorted objects into “safe” and “not safe,” understanding how the fire spread so quickly. To bring history to life, they took part in a drama activity, acting out key moments from the Great Fire of London. It was a fun and educational morning, helping everyone imagine what life was like during this important historical event!
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