Social activities at school are organised by a team made up of current parents and supported by the Friends Committee.
Please email if you would like to get involved or if you have ideas for an event.
The Friends of Norwich School hosts events for the entire school community, including our ON's. There is a summary of the events in the diary and "Friends" tables are available at every event so you don't need a to be part of a group to come along.
If you are a parent or parent of an ON and are interested in putting on an event, or would like us to consider any events in the future, please just get in touch via We value the support of the entire school community from Lower School to ON parents.
We hold a Friends of Norwich School informal gathering for a coffee, pastry and a chat in a different location across the school site every half term, and these are held on different days of the week and at different times of the day so we hope you will find a date and time to suit you. Everyone is welcome!
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