Philosophy, Religion and Ethics

"The department invites pupils to consider complex ethical, philosophical and religious questions in a structured and intelligent way, promoting the appreciation of alternative and equally valid points of view.

In so doing, we encourage empathy, compassion, understanding and tolerance towards all religious traditions. 

At A-level we follow the AQA syllabus."

Mrs Cawkwell

Head of Religious Studies

Component 1: Philosophy of religion and ethics: arguments for the existence of God; evil and suffering; religious experience; religious language; miracles, self and life after death; issues of human life and death; issues of animal life and death; an introduction to meta ethics; free will and moral responsibility; conscience, Bentham and Kant.

Component 2: Study of religion (Christianity): sources of wisdom and authority; God/gods/ultimate reality; self, death and the afterlife; good conduct and key moral principles; expression of religious identity; religion, gender and sexuality; religion and science; religion and secularisation; religion and religious pluralism.

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