Generous funds have been set aside to enable children to attend the school who would not be able to do so without financial help. £900,000 is provided in some form of financial assistance, including bursaries and awards, to our Senior School pupils and 1 in 12 Senior School pupils is supported by our bursary programme.
Means-tested financial assistance, or bursary awards, are available to Senior School (aged 11 – 18) pupils only.
The level of the award ranges from 10% to 100% of the annual Senior School tuition fee.
The main source of funding is from the school’s annual fee income and this is supplemented by donations from the Worshipful Company of Dyers, the school’s alumni – the ONs - the Friends of Norwich School, other charitable trusts, staff and parents.
If you wish to help with supporting bursaries, please click here.
For more information about means-tested financial assistance for prospective pupils, please read below or contact the Admissions Team at
Click on the tiles for more information.
Parents of prospective pupils who would like to apply for a bursary should indicate their interest in the online electronic application form by ticking the box above “Please tick this box if you are interested in making an application for bursarial assistance for this applicant”. They will then be sent an “Application for Financial Assistance” form requesting a comprehensive set of information about the family’s financial circumstances.
The fully completed “Application for Financial Assistance” form, together with all of the relevant documents must be returned to the school on or before the relevant entry application deadline to guarantee consideration by the school. Late or incomplete bursary applications would only be considered at the discretion of the Head and the Bursar.
We may contact you to review the information provided in the “Application for Financial Assistance” form. The assessor will then make a recommendation for consideration by the Bursary Review Panel.
Although the school sets aside generous funds for bursary awards each year, the popularity of the scheme means that the demand for financial assistance often exceeds the level of funds available. The Bursary Review Panel will consider the financial assessments as well as the performance of prospective pupils in the assessment process when determining the level of bursary award for each applicant.
If a prospective pupil has shown potential during the admissions process and meets the criteria for financial assistance but falls below the cut-off for an award, they may be offered a full fee paying place at the school. At the time that such an offer is made, the parents or guardians will be invited to meet with the Bursar to discuss whether full fees may be affordable for the duration of the prospective pupil’s school career at Norwich School.
The school will advise the successful bursary applicants of their awards in their offer letter for a place at the school.
The level of award, as a percentage of fees, would normally remain the same for the whole of the pupil’s school career. However, the school reserves the right to vary the level of the award if there is a significant improvement in the family’s financial circumstances. It is the parents’/guardians’ responsibility to notify the Bursar of these changes at the earliest opportunity. The school may request a part or full refund of the award if its annual review of the family’s financial circumstances identifies any significant improvements which have not been reported on a timely basis. Bursaries are reviewed on an annual basis. Please click here to access Norwich School's bursary policy.
When parents/guardians accept a full fee paying place at the school for their child, it is expected that they do so with sufficient funds to meet the fee obligations for the whole of the pupil’s school career.
Bursary applications from parents of a current pupil, whether already in the Senior School or in the final year of the Lower School (U3 - Year 6), will only be considered in light of an exceptional change of circumstances and at the discretion of the Head and/or the Bursar.
We understand that unexpected financial circumstances do arise. Thus, parents/guardians of current pupils who are experiencing financial difficulties should contact the Bursar’s Office at as soon as possible to arrange a meeting with the Bursar and discuss how the school may be able to assist.
Click on a button to view a case study about previous students who have benefitted from a bursary at Norwich School:
“My son is very bright and dreamt of going to Norwich School, but our financial situation did not permit me to even consider it. I could not believe the kindness and support of the school staff. My son passed the entrance exams and now comes home with a smile every day. He has a passion for his work and is doing extremely well. I cannot thank you enough for giving him the keys to a bright future.” (Parent of a beneficiary)
“My bursary gave me the opportunity to study in an environment in which it was the norm for people to strive to succeed and this same mentality is now instilled in me every day. I am now cherishing my time studying at university and I hope one day to be able to thank the school for what they have done for me.” (Bursary recipient)
“Receiving a bursary enabled me to attend the Sixth Form at Norwich School. It has fundamentally changed the direction of my life.” (Bursary recipient)
“Norwich School really did change my life. If you had told me three years ago that I would have achieved the results I did and be attending one of the world’s most prestigious universities, I would have thought you insane. But here I am, looking forward to the next three years of university life, thanks to the career path I only discovered whilst in The Close.” (Former Sixth Form pupil and bursary recipient, written shortly after gaining a place at one of the UK’s top universities)
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