
"The study of History introduces us to the sheer variety of human experience. In the interconnected world in which we live, it has never been more important for individuals to have an understanding of humanity in all its bewildering complexity, and empathy for people and cultures different from our own.

The History Department at Norwich School aims to endow pupils with a lifelong enthusiasm for learning about the past. In the first three years pupils study a broad outline of British and world history from AD 410 to 1918. If they choose to continue with the subject at GCSE, our focus turns to the history of the 20th century. As a consequence, Norwich pupils are equipped with knowledge about important individuals, events and developments so that, as adults, they are historically literate citizens.

History demands of those who study it a willingness to read widely, to engage in the critical assessment of evidence, and to develop a sympathetic approach to the wide range of recurrent human problems. A large number of pupils take the subject at A level, and every year the department is successful in helping pupils apply to read History at leading universities."

Dr Cornell

Head of History

A Level Study Information
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