Supporting Life-Changing EducatiON

Supporting Life-Changing EducatiON


  • Approximately 1 in 4 prospective pupils applying to Norwich School require some kind of financial assistance.
  • Means-tested financial assistance, or bursary awards, are available to Senior School (aged 11 – 18) pupils.
  • Bursaries range from 5% to 100% of the annual Senior School tuition fee.

The Need

  • We are committed to increasing our bursary provision to ensure that Norwich School can continue to welcome talented and deserving pupils from all backgrounds, regardless of the ability to pay.
  • Currently, the main source of bursary funding comes from the school’s annual fee income, supplemented by donations from the Worshipful Company of Dyers, the School’s alumni (ONs) , the  Friends of Norwich School, other charitable trusts, staff and parents. 
  • The ability to offer an outstanding Norwich School education to all can only be achieved through the generosity of our School community.
Bursary Case Studies

How can you help?

You can help change a child’s life by providing a transformational bursary. Give the gift of a Norwich School education today.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why do bursaries matter?

    We are committed to ensuring that Norwich School is an institution built on talent and not just the ability to pay fees. A community rich in social diversity is better for all. At Norwich School we strive to give pupils in our care a first class, holistic education comprising academic depth, co-curricular breadth and equipping young people for a lifetime of leadership and service.

  • Why should I give?

    Education is a gift to be treasured. The Covid pandemic has shown us that. If you have enjoyed a transformational Norwich School education or feel strongly in the value of such an education, and feel able to pass on this gift, it will undoubtedly make a huge difference to a young person’s life

  • Will my support really change things?

    Yes. All bursaries are means tested to ensure only those recipients in greatest need get the help they deserve, so the school can be sure true talent is fostered in those aspiring to a Norwich School education.

  • I only have a little to spare. Is it worth me giving?

    Of course! We pool small or regular donations to help fund a bursary. We also offer bursary grants from 5-100% worth of fee remission

  • How much would fund a full bursary place?

    This is currently set at £7,944 per term for the 2024/25 academic year for a Senior School pupil. 

    Gift Aid really helps bolster the value and there are tax benefits of giving to Norwich School as we are a charity.

  • How do I give towards bursaries?

    In the first instance speak to Jonathan Pearson, Development Director on 07970 657629. We will make sure the benefit of your philanthropic intent is maximised and your bursary is personalised to you.

  • Is it easy to set up?

    Regular gifts can readily be set up through the school's Development Office, and one-off donations can be made easily via our website. For help on bequests in your will, we always advise speaking to a legal and / or financial professional.

  • Do bursaries make a real difference to a pupil's life?

    Absolutely. We recommend you read the case studies we have compiled which are a wonderful testament to the difference a bursary makes to the recipient. However, if you would like further information, please arrange to come and speak to us at school and we will be happy to demonstrate the difference a transformational education at Norwich School makes.

  • Do you want to know more?

    Please email Jonathan Pearson ( or Rachel Lightfoot ( to arrange a call or visit.

Want to find out more? Please have a look through our bursaries booklet:

Case Studies

Caitlin Obee

Caitlin was offered a bursary and joined Norwich School in 2016 for Sixth Form after she was accepted onto the Music Scholarship Programme. She achieved 3 A*s in her A Levels and went on to study music at Cambridge University. After completing her degree, she has now returned to Norwich School to work within the Music department. She completed her teaching qualification here and inspires further generation of pupils teaching Music and Maths at King Edward VI Grammar School, Chelmsford. Find out more about her story here

Ted Witton

Ted has been involved in Norwich School for over 65 years and is proud to be a donor to bursaries at the school. His deep understanding and appreciation for School life is evidenced by having been (at times) a School Governor here, President of the ON Society (Alumni) and Treasurer of the Friends of Norwich School. The School owes him a great debt of gratitude.

Asia Lambert

Asia was offered a bursary for her Sixth Form studies, attending Norwich School between 2011 and 2013. Whilst here she threw herself into debating and singing to complement her academic studies. Following considerable A Level success, she studied at Cambridge University, during which she became President of the Union Society. A career in the Civil Service resulted and she now works in the Prime Minister's Office.

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