Fifth Form pupils follow the Physical Education specification from AQA. This course allows pupils to study a range of Sports Science topics including applied anatomy and physiology, movement analysis, physical training, sports psychology, socio-cultural influences, health, fitness and well-being and the use of data.
Pupils are examined on the above components in two papers, each worth 30% of the total marks for the course.
The remaining 40% relates to non-examined assessment, all pupils being assessed in three practical performances in the role of player/performer. One should be in a team activity, one in an individual activity and the third in either.
In addition, pupils complete a piece of coursework that focuses on the analysis and evaluation of performance in one of their chosen practical performances.
A-Level pupils follow the AQA Physical Education two-year linear course. It is not mandatory that pupils have studied Physical Education at GCSE level, however if this is the case, pupils should be prepared to complete some preparatory work before commencing the course.
70% of marks are ascribed to theory, which covers an exciting selection of Sports Science subjects - applied anatomy and physiology, skill acquisition, sport and society, exercise physiology and biomechanics, sports psychology and technology in sport.
Pupils are assessed in two examinations, each worth 35% of the total marks available. The examination papers consist of multiple choice, short answer and extended writing questions.
30% of the marks are ascribed to non-exam assessment. Pupils are assessed as a performer or coach in one activity and complete a written or verbal analysis of performance piece of coursework.
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