187 Norwich School applications have been sent to UCAS (universities and colleges admissions service) this academic year.
Mrs Warren would like to thank all staff involved in supporting Upper Sixth pupils and ONs through this process, in particular Upper Sixth tutors, Heads of Department, Mr Pearce, Mr Croston, Mr Peters and Mrs Meader.
As is the norm at this point in the year, many universities are still making decisions on which applicants to offer places to. Another onward routes update early next term will share some offers that come in in the next six weeks.
We congratulate all pupils on their university offers and offers for apprenticeships and degree apprenticeships received so far. We hope these pupils will understand that the size of the Upper 6 year group means we cannot announce every offer in cathedral. The offers being read out are those that required additional hurdles on top of the UCAS form.
The school’s Apply Plus Programme is run by Mr Pearce. It supports pupils applying to academic courses that require admissions tests and/or interviews.
Apply Plus offers so far this cycle:
Charlotte Cheung – Chemical Engineering at Manchester University
Reuben Francis – Law at Bristol, Cambridge and Durham Universities
Vera Hung – Law at Durham University
Aadith Jamadagni and Jack Rowley - Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Industrial Experience at Manchester University
Barnaby Karlson-Evans – Law at Durham University
Freddie Miller – Maths and Statistics at Warwick University
Joschka Molenaar – Mathematics at Cambridge University and Mathematics with a Year Abroad at Imperial College London
Sean O’Malley – Classics at Oxford University
Sophia Roy - Assyriology at Oxford University
Alethea Tweddle – Common Law and English Literature at Glasgow University
Leuka Ye – Mathematics at Imperial College London
Lily Yu - Geology at Imperial College London
Offers to study highly competitive medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine courses: these all require interviews, with most requiring an admissions test as well
Mary Amaka-Maidoh – Medicine at Exeter University and KCL (King’s College London)
Arshia Bhatia – Medicine at KCL and Sheffield University
Georgia Hodgson – Medicine at Cambridge, Imperial and UEA
Dev Kamath – Medicine at Anglia Ruskin University
Rahul Kaushal – Medicine at Manchester University
Elain Law – Veterinary Medicine at RVC (Royal Veterinary College)
Freya Osborne – Veterinary Medicine at Edinburgh, Liverpool, RVC and Surrey Universities
Adi Santosh (ON) – Medicine at Plymouth University and UEA
Grace Yeo – Medicine at Imperial and Manchester University
Offers to study other vocational courses which require interviews:
Elliot Brooke – Occupational Therapy at UEA
Claudia Davidson (ON) – Primary Education at Reading University
Billy Francis – Physiotherapy at Essex, Hertfordshire, Plymouth and Sheffield Hallam Universities
Beth Herring – Chemistry with Teaching at Strathclyde University
Kiki Lau – Diagnostic Radiography at Liverpool University
Anson Tam – Physiotherapy at UEA, Liverpool, Salford and Southampton Universities
Bosco Tang – Physiotherapy at Liverpool and Southampton Universities
Natalie Tso – Occupational Therapy at Brunel, Coventry, UEA and Liverpool Universities
Offers to study creative courses that required submission of a portfolio or video of the pupil’s work and/or auditions:
George Bellinghall and Berry Ward – Film and Moving Image Production at NUA (Norwich University of the Arts)
Edward Chan – Architecture at Manchester University
Lily Fairweather – Graphic Design with Professional Placement at Falmouth University
Isabel Girling (ON) – Musical Theatre at the University of West London
Ben Hawes – Furniture and Product Design at Chelsea College of Art (part of University of the Arts, London)
Isabella Kirby – Filmmaking at Arts University Bournemouth
Nathanael Lindner – Architecture at York University
Isabelle Mardle – Architecture at Sheffield Hallam University
Yona McDonnell – Product and Furniture Design at Kingston University
Coni Meade – Design with Placement year at Loughborough University
Alvaro Smoolenaars-Garcia – Design for Sustainable Innovation at Warwick University
Jacob Stevenson -Fashion Marketing and Content Creation at the London College of Fashion (part of UAL) starting in 2026 after a level 4 Digital Marketing for Fashion Diploma at the London Retail Academy
Hannah Thornley – Fashion Design at Nottingham Trent University
A number of pupils have been selected for final round auditions for highly competitive performing arts courses; we wish them all the best with these and will share successes at the start of next term.
Offers to study at universities abroad:
Edward Chan – Architecture at Hong Kong University
Ava deCooper Wride – full rugby scholarship for Quinnipiac University (USA)
Helen Ng – Computer Science at UST, (University of Science and Technology), Hong Kong
Uma Patel – Dentistry at the Universidad Catolica de Valencia (Spain)
Bosco Tang - Business at UST (University of Science and Technology), Hong Kong
Non university destinations:
A number of pupils have applied directly to employer for positions such apprenticeships and degree apprenticeships; gaining these highly competitive positions can involve up to three rounds of tests and interviews.
Isaac Betts - accountancy apprenticeship with Lovewell Blake
Hugo Pattinson - engineering degree apprenticeship with Airbus
Archie Taylor - accountancy degree apprenticeship with Price Bailey
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