Here at Norwich School we are delighted to celebrate the talented diversity of our Upper Sixth cohort as UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) offers continue to roll in.
Following on from Norwich School successfully hosting several Norwich Science Festival events during the February half term, we have chosen to focus on case study STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Medicine) offers in this blog post. STEM is very strong at Norwich School with consistently large numbers of both girls and boys choosing Sciences, Maths and Further Maths for A level: 73 of last year’s Upper Sixth cohort took Maths A level with an average of 47 taking each of the three Sciences.
Many Upper 6 boys and girls have received exciting offers from highly competitive universities to study STEM courses. Nationally only 26% of STEM graduates are female, yet at Norwich School the gender split continuing STEM post-18 is much more even. We have therefore chosen to celebrate the achievements of girls in STEM in this blog post. The Med Soc (Medical Society) that recently arranged for Chair of the NNUH, Tom Spink, to speak is run by two Lower 6 girls, the Vet Society that meets each week was started up and is led by two other Lower 6 girls. Two Upper 6 girls (Amelia Braidwood and Freya Osborne) have recently been selected to take part in the selection process for the UK’s team at the International Biology Olympiad following their gold awards in the British Biology Olympiad. With so many girls gain STEM offers ranging from Automotive Engineering, Biomedical Sciences and Computer Science to Zoology, it was difficult to choose a few pupils to hear from, but we hope younger pupils will be inspired by the application journeys and successes of Georgia, Freya, Lily and Lily.
Can you tell us about the university offers that you've received so far? i.e. what course(s) at which unis.
Currently, I’ve received offers from Cambridge, Imperial, UCL and UEA for Medicine and Warwick for Biomedical Sciences!
On top of the usual UCAS application form, what else have you had to do as part of the admissions process to be considered for these highly competitive courses?
For my medicine applications, I’ve had to take the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) entrance exam, which happened over the summer (between Lower 6 and Upper 6), and complete interviews at all four universities. These interviews involved learning about current NHS affairs, exploring skills from work experience/volunteer work and, for Cambridge, applying scientific knowledge from A Levels.
How did Norwich School help you during the university application process?
Norwich School provided support during Lower 6 in the form of Apply Plus sessions, in which we were encouraged to think ahead about work experience, volunteering and super-curriculars; I found these sessions very insightful as I learnt a lot about the application process pre-emptively and was able to tackle my UCAS application a lot better as a result! During Upper 6, there was also support for interview preparation for medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine applicants as we were able to take part in a mock interview, which helped me to identify my weaker areas and gave me an idea of how to prepare and what’s involved.
Which other activities in sixth form helped strengthen your application?
Volunteering was a key experience that supported my application; I had undertaken some volunteering at Able2B, as well as partaking in community service through school. These experiences provided valuable learning opportunities that I was able to reflect on in my application and discuss at the interview. I also shadowed doctors in a hospital, which gave me a realistic view of what medicine entails that I could tie into my personal statement and interview answers, and excited and motivated me about the prospects of entering a career in medicine! On top of these, I completed and presented an 8000-word research project on the link between depression and cardiac health, entered several STEMM Olympiads and completed the Youth STEMM Award.
Outside of medicine-related activities, what have you been involved in at Norwich School during sixth form?
During sixth form at Norwich School, I’ve led the Debating and Erpingham Societies, as well as taken up my new role in Upper 6 as Head of School and EDI. These have helped me develop other skills, especially those in communication and organisation, and have been a lot of fun! A particular highlight was being part of a team ranked 26th internationally at a debating competition!
Which offer do you think you will pick as your CF (conditional firm) and what most excites you about that course?
I’m hoping to CF Cambridge’s medicine course! I find a lot of aspects of the course exciting; however, a particular aspect is the opportunity to intercalate in the 3rd year! I think this will help to broaden my knowledge and understanding of medicine and science as a whole, and the chance to research is an exciting prospect! I also look forward to participating in supervisions and discussing the subject with incredible scientists and researchers!
Can you tell us about the university offers that you've received so far? i.e. what course(s) at which unis.
I have had offers from UCL and Durham to study Earth Science and from Imperial College London and Bristol to read Geology.
On top of the usual UCAS application form, what else have you had to do as part of the admissions process to be considered for these highly competitive universities?
I volunteered in Sedgwick Museum for two months during summer holidays which was fantastic experience. To study the history of the geological landscape in the area, I also attended a geology & geography camp in the Lake District which proved to be great experience which also looked great on my personal statement. In Lower 6, I also completed the Gold Independent Project ‘To what Extent does Ocean Acidification Influence the Colour of the Ocean?’. Researching this area furthered my knowledge in the field.
How did Norwich School help you during the university application process?
The school were really helpful in managing and supporting my application as well as answering any questions that I had. Mrs Warren and Mr Pearce were both helpful, as well as Mr Croston who specialises in helping international students and Old Norvicensians.
Which other activities in sixth form helped strengthen your application?
I think going to a range of talks and lectures proved to really help my application, as well as getting a strong set of predicted grades. Reading around the subject was also particularly academically enriching, and it also gives you a selection of things to talk about at interview as well as on your personal statement.
Outside of academic activities, what have you been involved in at Norwich School during sixth form?
Outside of academic activities, I have been involved in the Amnesty Group, where we have organised fundraising for a plethora of charities and events such as the Amnesty Variety Evening, which is always great fun. I also love to be in nature, so I recently completed the expedition for DofE Gold and looking forward to going to Buckingham Palace to receive my award! In Sixth Form, I have also really enjoyed rowing at Whittingham, in the week as well as on Saturdays. I typically row in a single but also enjoy rowing as part of a double, quad or eight.
Which offer do you think you will pick as your CF (conditional firm) and what most excites you about that course?
For my conditional firm, I will accept UCL, on account of its excellent learning environment, course structure and work-life balance. Studying in London is particularly nice, and I’m looking forward to starting in September.
Can you tell us about the university offers that you've received so far? i.e. what course(s) at which unis.
I've applied for Electrical and Electronic Engineering. I've received offers from Bristol, Newcastle, Nottingham and Sheffield, and I'm interviewing for Loughborough in early April.
How did Norwich School help you during the university application process?
My teachers were very helpful with editing and making changes to my personal statement. I also had support from staff on where to strategically apply to get the most out of the five university options. And my teachers wrote strong references to support my application.
Which other activities in sixth form helped strengthen your application?
I have participated in and gained Silver Industrial Cadets Qualification, involving me attending talks, watching lectures, and culminating in a research project on the UK's transition to green energy. I've also been able to present this research project at Erpingham and turn it into a Longbow article. I've also participated in the Cityzen Competition and Engineering Education Project. I've also done two research projects, my Independent Project was on safety systems in Formula 1, and I also did a research project as part of my physics practical qualification, looking into the drivetrains of Formula 1 and Formula E cars, and looking at their similarities and differences.
Outside of academic activities, what have you been involved in at Norwich School during sixth form?
I've been involved in Chapel Choir, and a bit of Gateway Players. I've also been an active member of the school boat club, having competed in major races, such as National Schools and Henley Women's and currently being in the process of doing GB trials.
Which offer do you think you will pick as your CF (conditional firm) and what most excites you about that course?
Bristol will be my conditional firm. They continually update their modules (one of my year 1 modules will be new for my entry cohort), and I like the wide range of topics that my degree covers, covering both the hardware and software side of electronics. I enjoy programming, but not enough to do a degree in it! I also like the final year individual research project, allowing you to research any topic that interests you.
Can you tell us about the university offers that you've received so far? i.e. what course(s) at which unis.
I have received offers to study Veterinary Medicine at the University of Liverpool, the Royal Veterinary College, the University of Edinburgh, and the University of Surrey.
On top of the usual UCAS application form, what else have you had to do as part of the admissions process to be considered for these highly competitive universities?
I had to complete numerous extra forms to document the work experience that I had completed, as well as doing a Situational Judgment test for Surrey and an interview for each vet school I applied. I had two virtual interviews and two in person interviews.
How did Norwich School help you during the university application process?
Norwich School has subject specialists who are there to give you advice and feedback on your applications to university, for example improving your personal statement. They also are great people to speak to if you need ideas on how to make your application more competitive. Norwich School held a mock MMI (multiple mini interview) for each of the veterinary medicine/medicine/dentistry applicants which gave us a chance to practise our interview skills in front of unknown people. Some of the questions they asked me were really similar to some of the ones I was asked in my real interviews!
I was lucky to have an interview invitation in the October half term, way before anyone was expected to give them out so I had a chance to complete an online mock interview with our Head of UCAS. This was great as it gave me the opportunity to have a go at an interview in the same style as my real one.
Which other activities in sixth form helped strengthen your application?
I spent a lot of my holidays completing work experience in vet practices as well as gaining experience in a stables, dairy farm and a doggy day care. I was fortunate to get a part time job at Wroxham Barns which gave me over 300 hours of experience with a range of species of animals. This is also a customer facing role which helped me gain skills in interacting with the public - a vital skill for a veterinary surgeon.
In Lower 6, we were given an opportunity to complete an independent research project. I chose to research brachycephalic (flat faced) dogs and the ethics surrounding them. This also gave me the opportunity to present my project to an audience and it also gave me a great thing to discuss during my interviews.
Outside of academic activities, what have you been involved in at Norwich School during sixth form?
During my time in sixth form, I've been involved in many extra-curricular activities such as performing in the senior musicals and plays, singing in three school choirs, and volunteering with the 8th Norwich Sea Scouts as a Young Leader. These give me a great break from my applications and studies and provide me with transferable skills which I can use in my university career such as teamwork and communication.
Which offer do you think you will pick as your CF (conditional firm) and what most excites you about that course?
I am going to pick the University of Liverpool as my firm choice because I really like the vet community that they have there, as well as the other societies that the university has, for example their musical theatre society. The course really excites me as it has a focus on practical, clinical skills from day 1 and the vet school has great facilities for all disciplines of veterinary medicine. I like how they have an equal focus on small animal, equine and production animal medicine as I am not too sure of which type of veterinary medicine I want to go into.
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