All pupils in Lower 4 and Upper 4 participate in weekly lessons where they are encouraged to discover their dramatic potential - creative, physical and linguistic. These vital junior years form the foundation of the subject, lending a firm focus on skills, communication and creative exploration.
Lower 4 are taught in class groups where the focus is on getting to know one another, communication, drama skills and fun! The course is entirely practical and allows pupils to explore vocal, physical, directorial and creative skills.
Lower 4 pupils ‘cut their teeth’ in performance as part of Gather in June where they stage short, scripted group performances.
In Upper 4, pupils participate in one double drama lesson per week on a half-termly rotation with the Music department. The focus during this year is still upon practice but also gives pupils a grounding in theatre - practitioners, production and performance, as well as terminology and theatrical styles.
We try to facilitate for all pupils in the Fourth Form to view live theatre as part of their course.
In Lower 5, pupils choose a creative preference. The first term explores three disciplines: Devising, Scripted Material and Physical Theatre. The group works on, rehearses and performs a full piece, usually lasting about 30 minutes. This allows pupils to experience the demands of a full production within an academic setting. The honing of skills remains paramount and these are taught implicitly through workshops and production.
GCSE Drama is taught in small groups enabling us to provide a focussed and individually-tailored experience.
GCSE Drama is taught using the EDUQAS syllabus.
We teach the Edexcel linear A level in Drama and Theatre. The structure of the syllabus allows pupils to explore scripts both as performer and director, to perform in a directed play either as actors or technical candidates.
The skills taught within this course often serve as a conduit, leading pupils on to various theatre-based courses at university or drama school.
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