To celebrate International Women's Day, we decided to create a spotlight series on some inspirational women in our ON community. Last but not least in this fabulous series, we have Rachel Wright (ON 17-19)) who is a Fluid Systems Engineer at Orbex.
What are you doing now for work?
I’m a Fluid Systems Engineer at Orbex, a rocket company based in Copenhagen, Denmark.
What does a typical day entail?
I have daily meetings with different engineering teams such as Software, Assembly, Structures & Avionics to solve fluid network challenges across the rocket. I focus on all aspects relating to the valves, piping and fittings used across the launch vehicle as well as the tank pressurisation system. This includes defining valve and pressurisation sequences for the mission timeline. No two days are the same.
How have you got to where you are today?
I studied BSc Physics, Astrophysics & Cosmology at Lancaster University. I realised I didn’t want to pursue a career in research so I pivoted into engineering and studied an MSc in Astronautics & Space Engineering at Cranfield University. At Cranfield I completed my thesis with two companies: SpaceBorn United & Frontier Space Technologies which led to my first job as a Payload Systems Engineer at Frontier Space Technologies. I gained a lot of knowledge in fluidic systems in this role, so when the opportunity for my current role arose on LinkedIn a year later, I couldn’t say no.
Who is your inspirational figure?
Elon Musk, for pioneering a new, less risk-adverse engineering approach that’s driving rapid technological advancements.
What was your fondest memory of your time at Norwich School?
Cathedral in the mornings before the day started. I personally found it very grounding which set a positive message for the rest of the day.
What makes Norwich School special to you?
Norwich school creates an atmosphere where we were encouraged to aim high and pursue our interests. But more than that, the teachers were always willing to give extra help, even in their own time, and that really helped me reach my goals.
How do you think NS helped you get where you are today?
The teachers highlighting valuable extracurricular opportunities. By getting involved in these, it gave me a lot to talk about in my personal statement when applying to University, and the Universities were all really keen to hear about this.
What is your best bit of advice to current pupils and ONs?
Get involved in as many extracurricular activities as possible. Discovering what you don't enjoy is just as valuable as finding what you do. It also makes you a more interesting candidate to employers. Also, if you can't find an advertised opportunity, contact companies directly. It demonstrates pro-activity and often leads to valuable experience.
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