The plight of the humble coral, one of the marvels of the natural world, has been under the spotlight at Norwich School. We are a host site of the eastern region of the prestigious Royal Geographical Society (RGS), and we are always delighted to welcome them to the Blake Studio. On 19 March 2025 we enjoyed an excellent evening in their company hearing their latest lecture entitled Coral Reefs: From Darwin to Doomsday.
The large audience of eager pupils, parents, staff, alumni and RGS members heard how the age-old process of tiny individual corals building up impressively huge reef structures has intrigued marine scientists for almost 200 years. It was Charles Darwin’s seminal research on this topic that first kicked off international interest, and research is still at the cutting edge of science today, as we seek to understand better the criticality of these vital ecosystems. The talk explored how corals reefs are fast becoming depressing barometers for biodiversity loss due to man-made global warming. We learned that, despite their amazing intrinsic resilience against natural disasters and rising and falling sea levels over millennia, the relentless combination of negative human factors such as pollution, thoughtless tourism and sea temperature warming means reefs are under threat like never before.
Our guide for the evening was the highly esteemed academic and prolific author Tom Spencer. Tom is Emeritus Professor of Coastal Dynamics at the University of Cambridge and an internationally recognised expert in this field. He is currently working on a project on coral atoll 'habitability' in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. With a compelling slide deck and a measured delivery devoid of sensationalism, Tom imparted pearls of wisdom drawn from a lifetime of studying these amazing ecosystems, and concluded with a balanced prognosis of what the future may hold.
The RGS regularly attracts speakers of the highest quality, yet all talks are eminently approachable to the lay person interested in our natural world. The RGS East’s exciting spring programme is online here: Upcoming events - RGS
The next talk to be held at school is during the holidays on Thursday 10 April at 19:30 in the Blake Studio. The lecture is entitled: Reimaging our urban spaces as future green spaces. Our urban commons are a precious resource with enormous significance for promoting biodiversity, health and wellbeing in an urban context. This talk will explore the different legal and cultural concepts of an urban common, illustrated with examples from research that includes Mousehold Heath in Norwich.
Our speak is Chris Rogers whose career has encompassed being a Solicitor, Professor of law at the University of Wales Aberystwyth and he is now Emeritus Professor of Law at Newcastle University.
The link to book tickets is here: Reimaging our urban spaces as future green spaces - RGS
All are welcome.
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